1. To fix a chain on a chainsaw, first make sure the chain is the right size and type for your particular saw. 2. The drive links should fit in the sprocket teeth and link up to the bar nose without binding or over-stretching. 3. If necessary, use a file to sharpen any dull teeth on either the sprocket or chain links that don’t engage correctly with each other when assembled together.

4. Install two keepers onto one end of the chain loop with their ends facing opposite directions from each other and lining up along the same side as per manufacturer’s instructions for your chainsaw model; these keepers hold tension on both sides of the loop when it’s mounted to ensure proper tracking around its guide bar while operating under load conditions.. 5. Place one side of the loop into position in line with its corresponding guide bar slot, then feed part of its top run between sprocket teeth; this will align drive link noses at front edge of slot where they should be seated fully engaged against flat surface inside channel beneath them once properly tightened down during final assembly step.

. 6. Finally, secure all nuts/bolts according to manufacturer’s specifications before testing out new setup by running engine briefly checking again afterwards if needed; always wear protective gear while working near moving parts such as those found within power tool machinery like electric hand tools including chainsaws!

How to Fix Chain on Chainsaw

Credit: www.instructables.com

How Do You Put a Chain Back on a Chainsaw?

Putting a chain back on a chainsaw can be intimidating, but it is actually a relatively simple process. First, make sure you have the correct size of chain for your saw and that the drive sprocket and clutch are in good condition. Then, lay the side cover off to one side so that you can see both sides of the bar.

Using an adjustment wrench or screwdriver (depending on your model), loosen up all four nuts around the bar mount just enough so that they move freely when gently tapped with a hammer. Next, carefully insert the new chain between each side of the bar and loop it over itself at one end until there’s no slack left in it. Once everything is lined up correctly, begin tightening each nut again using even tension until they’re snug against their respective mounting points.

Finally, check to make sure everything is secure by running your thumb along each link in turn before turning on your saw for use!

What Causes a Chain to Come off a Chainsaw?

Chainsaws are powerful tools used to cut through tree limbs and logs, but if the chain comes off of your chainsaw, it can be a frustrating problem. There are several potential causes for a chain coming off of a chainsaw: improper operation, worn or damaged components, incorrect tensioning, or poor lubrication. If you’re experiencing this issue with your saw, here’s what you need to know about each possible cause and how to fix them.

Improper operation is probably the most common reason for why a chain may come off of your chainsaw; if the operator isn’t familiar with proper cutting techniques and safety procedures they run the risk of throwing their chain when making cuts in hardwood or other dense materials. Worn or damaged components such as drive sprockets and guide bars can also lead to an improperly tracked chain that will eventually come loose from its moorings while in use. Incorrect tensioning is another important factor – if the tensioner screw on your saw isn’t set correctly then there won’t be enough pressure against the bar rails which will result in excessive movement of the cutting links causing them to slip away from the bar.

Finally, inadequate lubrication is essential for keeping all parts working properly including those involved with tracking and connecting linkages; without enough oil on these moving parts then accelerated wear-and-tear can occur leading to premature failure which could include an unwanted detachment from its position around the guide bar during operation.

Why Did My Chainsaw Chain Stop Spinning?

If you’ve recently been using a chainsaw and noticed that the chain has stopped spinning, it’s important to take the time to figure out why. There are several possible causes for this problem, so it’s important to identify and address them before continuing work with your chainsaw. Some of the most common reasons why a chainsaw chain may stop spinning include an issue with its fuel supply or air filter, problems with its spark plug or ignition system, an issue with its bar oiling system, or a worn drive sprocket.

Additionally, there may be debris lodged in the guide bar groove that is preventing proper operation of the saw chain loop. If not addressed properly and quickly, these issues can lead to further damage down the line including motor damage if left unchecked. Therefore, it is important to take steps immediately upon noticing any signs of malfunction such as when your chainsaw stops working properly.

How Do You Fix a Twisted Chain on a Chainsaw?

Fixing a twisted chain on a chainsaw may seem like an intimidating task, but with the right tools and knowledge it is actually quite simple. The first step is to make sure that you have all of the necessary tools: a pair of pliers, some lubricant and an adjustable wrench. Once you have these items in hand, begin by turning off the engine and unplugging it from its power source.

Next, use your pliers to carefully remove any debris or dirt from around the chain’s drive links so that they are free-moving again. Now take your adjustable wrench and loosen the bar nuts until they can be removed easily without putting too much pressure on them – this will help ensure that you don’t damage any internal components when adjusting tension later on. Finally, apply some lubrication to both sides of the chain before using your wrench to adjust its tension until it runs smoothly along its track once more.

With these steps followed correctly, your chainsaw should be as good as new!

How to Fix a Slipped Chainsaw Chain

Chainsaw Chain Came off

If your chainsaw chain has come off, don’t panic! It can be a relatively easy fix if you have the right tools and know-how. First, make sure to disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug so that there is no chance of accidental startup.

Then, use a flat screwdriver to turn both nuts on either side of the guide bar counterclockwise until they are loose enough for you to remove them completely. Finally, put your new chain back on by running it around both sprocket wheels and securing it with the two nuts. With this simple step-by-step process, you should be able to get your chainsaw up and running again in no time!

New Chainsaw Chain Keeps Coming off

A common problem when using a chainsaw is that the chain may keep coming off. This can be due to improper tensioning, worn out parts, or incorrect sharpening techniques. To avoid this issue, it’s important to regularly inspect and maintain your chainsaw so that all components are in proper working order.

Additionally, make sure you’re following correct sharpening techniques and properly tensioning the chain before each use. Taking these preventive steps will help ensure your chain stays on while cutting!

Chainsaw Chain Repair near Me

If you’re looking for chainsaw chain repair near you, the best option is to look up local hardware stores and outdoor power equipment dealers in your area. It’s important to find a shop that specializes in chainsaw repair, as they’ll likely have the experience and tools necessary to get your saw back into top shape. When selecting a shop, make sure they use OEM parts and high-quality lubricants so that your saw will last longer and work better than ever before.

How to Fix Kinked Chainsaw Chain

To fix a kinked chainsaw chain, first check the tension of the chain. If it’s too loose, you will need to tighten it using an adjustable wrench or a screwdriver. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the bar and/or chain.

Once the new bar and/or chain are in place, be sure to follow all safety precautions when starting up your chainsaw again. In addition, make sure that you lubricate your chainsaw regularly for optimal performance and safety.

Chainsaw Chain Drive Link Damage

Chainsaw chain drive link damage is a common problem that occurs when the chainsaw is used improperly or when it has been kept in storage for too long. This type of damage can occur due to wear and tear on the links, as well as from exposure to moisture and debris. It can lead to poor cutting performance, higher fuel consumption and even serious injury if not properly addressed.

To avoid this kind of damage, make sure you clean your chainsaw after each use and store it in a dry place away from any corrosive elements such as water or dirt. Also check your chain regularly for signs of deterioration so you can replace it at the earliest opportunity before further harm is done.

Chainsaw Chain Repair Kit

A Chainsaw Chain Repair Kit is an essential accessory for any chainsaw operator. It contains a variety of tools and supplies necessary to keep your saw functioning at its best, including a depth gauge, round file, flat file, guide bar wrench, screwdriver, and chain tensioner. With the right repair kit on hand, you’ll be able to sharpen dull chains quickly and easily while extending the life of your chainsaw.

Chainsaw Chain Won’T Tighten Anymore

If your chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore, it is likely that the tensioner has worn out or broken. To fix this, you will need to replace the tensioner with a new one. Before doing so, make sure that you have read and understand all safety instructions for using a chainsaw, as tightening the chain incorrectly can cause serious injury.


In conclusion, fixing a chain on a chainsaw is not as difficult as it may seem. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily get your saw up and running again in no time. Just make sure to take the proper safety measurements before beginning any repairs, such as wearing protective gloves and eyewear.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the chain on your chainsaw with ease!

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