If you need to remove a link from your Stihl chainsaw chain, the process is fairly simple. First, make sure that the saw is turned off and that the chain is not under tension. Using a pair of pliers, gently twist each rivet in the link until it pops out.

Once all four rivets are removed, the link can be taken off of the chain. To reattach the chain, simply insert each rivet back into its corresponding hole and gently twist until it pops back into place.

How to Remove a Link from a Stihl Chainsaw Chain

Credit: www.amazon.com

How Do You Take the Link Out of a Stihl Chainsaw Chain?

Assuming you mean how to remove the chain from the saw: 1. Make sure the chain is not engaged on the bar. If it is, rotate the bar until the chain is off.

2. Look for two small pins or screws on either side of the drive link at the end of the chain nearest the engine. These are called master links. 3. Unscrew or push out both master links with a punch or other tool.

The chain will come apart in two pieces when both master links are removed.

How Do You Shorten a Stihl Chainsaw Chain?

If you need to shorten your Stihl chainsaw chain, there are a few different methods you can use. The most common and easiest method is to use a depth gauge, which is included in most Stihl saws. To use this, simply loosen the bar nuts and slide the depth gauge onto the end of the bar.

Adjust the gauge so that it is touching the bottom of the teeth, then tighten the bar nuts. This will ensure that all of the teeth are at the same length and will give you an accurate measurement for shortening the chain. Another method is to use a caliper or ruler to measure from the tip of one tooth to the base of another tooth on both sides of the chain.

Once you have these measurements, subtract 1/16” from each side and this will be your new measurement for shortening the chain. Remember to always round up when making this calculation so that your chain is not too loose once shortened. Once you have your new measurement, mark this length on both sides of the chain with a permanent marker.

Make sure that these marks are directly across from each other so that when you shortened evenly on both sides. Next, using a pair of bolt cutters or a chainsaw file, remove any excess links until you reach your marked length on both sides. Be very careful when doing this so that you do not accidently remove too many links or unevenly shorten one side more than another.

Once your chain has been shortened, it is important to properly tension it before using again. First, loosen the bar nuts and make sure that there is no slack in either side ofthe Chain by pulling it taught with your fingers..

If there is still some slack present after doing this check twice more before proceeding to avoid overtensioning and damaging your saw.. After ensuring there’s no slack in either side fo dhe Chain,, slowly turn thd adjusting screw clockwise until resistance Is felt.

, At this point,. stop turning as further tightening may damage components within dhd Chainsaw body itself., Finally,, hold down firmly on thd handlebar grip with one hand while using dhd other hand td pull back on thd Chainsaw body just behind thd handlebar grip., Doingthis should bring dhd Chain tight against thd guide bar without putting undue stresson any internald Components.. If done correctly,, YourStihl Chainsaw should now have ad properly tensionedand shortened Chain!

Can You Remove a Link from a Chainsaw Blade?

If you need to remove a link from your chainsaw blade, the process is actually quite simple. First, you’ll need to locate the master link. This is the link that connects the two ends of the chain together.

Once you’ve found it, use a pair of pliers to remove it. Next, use a file or grinding tool to smooth down any sharp edges on the links that you just removed. Finally, reattach the chain and test it out to make sure everything is working properly.

How Do You Fix a Stretched Chainsaw Chain?

If your chainsaw chain is stretched, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, you’ll need to loosen the tension on the chain. To do this, use the adjustment knob at the top of the chainsaw.

Next, use a file to sharpen the teeth on the chain. Finally, retighten the chain and test it out on a piece of wood.

Chainsaws & Tools : How to Shorten the Chain on a Chainsaw

Chainsaw Link Removal Tool

Are you in need of a chainsaw link removal tool? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll provide detailed information about chainsaw link removal tools, including how to use them and where to find them.

Chainsaws are an essential piece of equipment for many people who work with wood. But like any other tool, they require regular maintenance in order to function properly. One of the most important aspects of chainsaw maintenance is removing the links that connect the chain to the saw.

Link removal tools make this process quick and easy. They can be purchased at most hardware stores or online retailers. Many different brands offer their own version of this tool, so it’s important to find one that’s compatible with your particular chainsaw model.

Using a link removal tool is relatively straightforward. First, you’ll need to remove the bar cover from your chainsaw. Once the cover is off, locate the two pins that hold the chain in place.

The link removal tool will have two holes that correspond to these pins. Simply insert the tool into these holes and twist it until the links are released from the pins. Now that you know more aboutchainsaw link removal tools, be sure to pick one up before your next round of saw maintenance!

How to Find the Master Link on a Chainsaw Chain

You know how important it is to keep your chainsaw in good working order. Part of that is making sure the chain is properly tensioned. But in order to do that, you need to be able to find the master link.

Here’s a quick guide on how to do just that. The first thing you’ll need to do is remove the bar and chain from the saw. Once that’s done, take a close look at the chain.

You should be able to see a series of small metal loops (called rivets) holding everything together. The master link will be different from all the others in two ways: first, it will have an open end; and second, one of the side plates will be removable. With that in mind, start at one end of the chain and work your way towards the middle, looking for the open-ended rivet.

When you find it, gently push on the side plate nearest to it until it pops off. At this point, you should be able to remove the master link and put everything back together again – easy peasy!

How to Shorten Chainsaw Chain Without Tool

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to shorten your chainsaw chain without a tool, there are a few things you can do. First, if the chain is new, you can simply remove one of the rivets that hold the links together. This will allow you to remove enough links to shorten the chain.

If the chain is old and/or damaged, you may need to use a drill or other cutting tool to remove a link. Be sure to wear safety goggles and gloves when working with power tools! Once you have removed the desired number of links, reattach the end of the chain using a new rivet (or two, depending on the size of your saw).

Make sure all connections are secure before using your saw again.

How to Add a Link to a Chainsaw Chain

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know that one of the most important parts of the saw is the chain. The chain is what makes the saw work, so it’s important to keep it in good shape. One way to do this is to add a link to the chain.

This will help keep the chain tight and prevent it from coming off. Here’s how to do it: 1. First, find the master link on the chain.

This is usually marked with an “M” or a diamond symbol. 2. Next, insert the new link into the master link. Make sure that the teeth on both links are facing in the same direction.

3. Once you have inserted the new link, use a pair of pliers to close up the master link again. You may need to squeeze it quite tightly in order to get it closed properly. 4. That’s it!

How to Shorten a Chainsaw Chain

There are a few things you need to know before you can shorten a chainsaw chain. First, you’ll need to purchase a break kit, which includes a depth gauge and file guide. You’ll also need a vise or clamp to hold the saw while you work.

Finally, make sure you have plenty of time set aside to do the job right – it’s not something that can be rushed! Once you have all of your materials gathered, follow these steps: 1. Place the saw in the vise or clamp, with the bar facing up.

If using a vise, make sure the jaws are lined up with the rivets on either side of the bar. This will help prevent damage to the bar when tightening down the vise. 2. Using the depth gauge from your break kit, measure from the top of each cutter (the teeth on the chain) to find out how long your cutters are.

Write down this measurement – you’ll need it later! 3. Next, use your file guide to find out how much material needs to be removed from each tooth in order for them to be even with one another. Again, make note of this measurement.

4. Now it’s time to start filing! Begin by removing any burrs or nicks on each tooth with a smooth file (included in most break kits). Once all of the teeth are nice and smooth, start filing them down according to your measurements from steps 2 and 3. Be sure to keep track of which side of each tooth you’re filing – this will ensure that they’re all shortened evenly.

5.. When all of the teeth have been filed down, use a fine-toothed file (also included in most break kits) to deburr them once again and remove any metal shavings left behind from filing . And that’s it – you’ve now successfully shortened your chainsaw chain!

Chainsaw Master Link

A chainsaw master link is a vital part of the saw’s drivetrain, connecting the chain to the bar. It is also known as a half-link or offset link. The master link must be strong enough to withstand the forces exerted by the chain as it cuts through wood.

Most chainsaws have either a 3/8″ or .404″ pitch, and different sizes of bars and chains require different size master links. For example, a 16″ bar with a 3/8″ pitch chain will require a 3/8″ master link, whereas a 20″ bar with the same type of chain will need a .404″ master link. Chainsaw masters links are available in both standard and safety versions.

Standardmaster links have an opening that allows the chain to be removed from the bar without disassembling the entire saw. Safetymaster links have a closed design that prevents accidental removal of the chain. Installing amaster link is fairly simple, but it’s always best to consult your chainsaw’s owner’s manual for specific instructions on your make and model of saw.

In general, you’ll need to threadthe new master link onto one end ofthechain, then connectthe other end ofthechainto thebar. Onceboth ends are connected, you’ll usea pair oftongs orother toolsto prythe oldmasterlink outofplace and installthenewone inits stead.

Chainsaw Chain Shortening Tool

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know that one of the most important parts of the saw is the chain. The chain is what does the cutting, so it’s essential to keep it in good condition. One way to do this is to regularly shorten the chain.

This can be done with a chainsaw chain shortening tool. There are a few different types of these tools available on the market. Some are designed for use with specific brands of chainsaws, while others are more universal.

Whichever type you choose, make sure that it’s compatible with your saw before purchasing. Using a chainsaw chain shortening tool is relatively simple. First, you’ll need to determine how much needs to be removed from the chain.

This will depend on how often you use your saw and how quickly the chain dulls. Once you know this measurement, mark it on the tool so that you can easily see where to stop cutting. Next, put on safety goggles and gloves before starting to work.

Then, position the tool onto the end of the chain and begin cutting through each link until you reach your mark. Be very careful not to cut too deeply or too shallowly – doing either could damage your saw or cause injury. Once all links have been cut, use a file or sharpening stone to smooth out any rough edges on both ends of the newly shortened chain.

Finally, reattach it to your saw following the manufacturer’s instructions and get back to work!

3/8 Chainsaw Master Link

A chainsaw master link is an essential part of keeping your saw in good working order. It helps to keep the chain tight and prevents it from coming off the bar. If your chainsaw master link wears out, it can cause the chain to come off, which can be extremely dangerous.

There are two types of chainsaw master links – standard and quick release. Standard chainsaw master links are made of metal and have a pin that goes through the side plates to secure them. Quick release chainsaw master links are made of plastic and have a lever on one side that you push to release the pin.

It’s important to check your chainsaw master link regularly for wear and tear. If it looks damaged, replace it immediately.


If your Stihl chainsaw chain is damaged or broken, you will need to remove the link in order to repair it. To do this, first locate the master link. The master link is usually found near the end of the chain and is slightly larger than the other links.

Once you have located the master link, use a pair of pliers to remove it. If your chainsaw chain does not have a master link, you will need to use a special tool called a “chain breaker” to remove a link.

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