Starting a Stihl chainsaw without flooding it requires proper preparation. First, make sure that the fuel tank is filled with fresh, high-quality two-cycle engine oil and gasoline mixture in the exact ratio recommended by your owner’s manual. Next, move the choke lever to its ‘closed’ position and locate the starter cord handle.

Pull outwards on this handle until you feel resistance (but not too hard). Then hold down the throttle trigger while pulling out sharply on the starter cord. The chainsaw should start after several pulls of the cord if it was prepped correctly; if not, try again using half-choke (lever between closed and open positions) or resetting to full choke if necessary.

Finally, when it starts running smoothly switch back to half choke then open for regular operation.

How to Start a Stihl Chainsaw Without Flooding It


Is There a Trick to Starting a Stihl Chainsaw?

Starting a Stihl chainsaw may not feel like an intimidating task, but it can be if you don’t know what to do. To start your chainsaw correctly and safely every time, there are several steps that need to be taken. First, make sure the saw is in neutral position and the chain brake is engaged.

Then turn on the engine switch located at the rear of the saw. Now locate the choke lever and set it to full or all-the-way open for a cold start (if starting after refueling), or half open if restarting after running out of fuel). Next pull slowly on starter rope while holding onto handle firmly with both hands until you feel resistance; at this point give one strong pull – this should cause engine to catch and run.

Once your Stihl starts up, move choke lever from full/half open position back to closed as quickly as possible; over-revving will damage engine parts so try not to let idle speed get too high before closing choke fully. Last step is releasing chain brake by pressing bar tensioner nut down before using saw – remember always keep chain brake engaged when not cutting! Following these simple steps will help ensure that your Stihl chainsaw starts up easily each time without any hassle or danger involved!

Why Do I Keep Flooding My Stihl Chainsaw?

If you’ve been having issues with your Stihl chainsaw flooding, then you’re not alone. Flooding can be caused by a variety of factors, from the wrong fuel mix to an air leak in the carburetor. It is important to understand why it happens so that you can take steps to prevent it from occurring again.

One of the most common causes of flooding is using a fuel mix that has too much oil in it. The oil-fuel ratio for a Stihl chainsaw should be 40:1, meaning 40 parts gasoline and 1 part two-stroke engine oil. If there is too much oil present, then when you start up your saw it will flood itself with excess fuel.

Another common cause could be a blocked or clogged carburetor jet or venturi which restricts airflow and prevents the engine from getting enough oxygen for combustion. Lastly, if there are any air leaks in the carburetor then this could also lead to overfuelling as well as other running problems such as poor acceleration and loss of power output due to lack of proper atomization of fuel droplets inside the cylinder bore upon ignition stroke resulting in incomplete burning within combustion chamber creating foul smelling exhaust fumes accompanied by heavy smoke released through muffler outlet pipe(s). Taking care to use clean fresh petrol mixed at correct ratios along with regular maintenance on both air filter and spark plug shall ensure many years reliable service life out of your trusty old STIHL Chainsaw without further costly repairs down line .

How Do I Make My Stihl Chainsaw Start Easier?

Making your Stihl chainsaw start easier does not have to be a daunting task. There are several things you can do to make the process smoother and quicker. First, check your air filter and spark plug for any debris or dirt buildup that could be preventing them from working properly.

Next, ensure that the fuel lines are clear of blockages, so they can deliver the gasoline efficiently to the carburetor. Additionally, inspect all of your connections to confirm they’re secure and in place before starting up the engine again. Finally, if these steps fail to improve your chainsaw’s performance, it may be time to consider replacing parts such as fuel filters or spark plugs which may no longer be able to function optimally due to wear and tear over time.

With these tips in mind and regular maintenance checks on your chainsaw’s parts, you should find that it starts much more easily than before!

How Long Does It Take for a Stihl Chainsaw to Unflood?

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for a Stihl chainsaw to unflood, depending on the severity of the flooding. If the chainsaw has just been flooded with fuel, then it may only take five or ten minutes of letting it sit and resting to clear out any excess fuel that has built up in the carburetor. However, if there is an excessive amount of water present due to water getting into the mixture while refueling, then this process could take much longer and require more extensive repairs.

Generally speaking, you should expect at least an hour or two of downtime before your Stihl Chainsaw will be running properly again. It’s important to follow all safety protocols when attempting these types of repairs so as not to cause further damage or injury. Additionally, if you’re having trouble figuring out how long does it take for a Stihl chainsaw to unflood yourself then consider consulting with a professional technician who can provide assistance and advice on what steps need taken next in order for your tool get back up and running quickly and safely.

How Do You Start a Stihl Chainsaw Cold Start?

To begin a cold start on your Stihl chainsaw, ensure that you have the correct fuel and oil mixture for your specific model. Generally speaking, this will be a 50:1 ratio of two-cycle engine oil to gasoline. Once you’ve mixed the solution, pour it into the chainsaw’s tank until it is just below the fill line indicated on the exterior of the machine.

Then, set your chain brake by pushing it forward so that there is tension between both handles. Next, press down firmly on both handles to engage the primer bulb located near where they meet. After three or four squeezes with consistent pressure, pull up slightly before pressing down again and releasing quickly; this creates suction in order to draw fuel into the carburetor system from your tank.

Finally, take hold of each handle once more and move them away from one another while simultaneously pulling out sharply on starter rope handle until you feel resistance – then give an extra tug to kickstart ignition.

What are Common Reasons Stihl Chainsaw Won’T Start?

One of the most common reasons that a Stihl chainsaw won’t start is due to an issue with the spark plug. The spark plug in a chainsaw ignites the fuel and air mixture in order to create combustion, which powers up your engine. If the spark plug isn’t working properly, then your saw simply won’t start.

To check if it’s an issue with your spark plug, try replacing it with another one and see if this solves your problem. Another potential cause for why a Stihl chainsaw won’t start is because of an obstructed carburetor or clogged air filter. Both of these parts are responsible for letting enough air into the engine so that it can run properly, however when either becomes blocked or dirty they can prevent adequate airflow from entering into the combustion chamber.

In this case you should clean both components before attempting to restart your saw again as doing so might just solve whatever was causing it not to work in the first place. Lastly, issues such as bad fuel mix (too much oil) or insufficient oil levels could also be preventing you from getting your chainsaw running again too – so make sure you’re checking all these things whenever you encounter issues starting up yours!

Starting a Stihl Chainsaw the correct way. NEVER flood it Again!

Stihl Chainsaw Starting Procedure

Starting your Stihl chainsaw is a relatively simple process that requires several steps. To begin, make sure the chain brake is engaged and the master control lever is in either “Run” or “Start” position. Place your left foot on the rear handle, grip the front handle with your right hand, and gently pull out on the starter rope until it engages slightly.

Finally, take two quick pulls while slowly pressing down on the throttle trigger to start up your Stihl chainsaw!

How to Start a Stihl Chainsaw Ms250

Starting a Stihl MS250 chainsaw is relatively easy, as long as you understand the basics of operating a chainsaw. Firstly, make sure that all safety precautions are taken and that you have read up on the relevant safety information for your particular model of saw. Next, check to ensure there is enough fuel in the tank before beginning.

After tightening any loose screws or nuts on your saw, press down on both sides of the choke lever located on top of the engine cover until it clicks into place before pulling out and then pushing back in again to start. Finally, release the throttle trigger lock-out by pressing down with one hand while holding onto both handles firmly with your other hand so that you remain stable during operation.

How to Start a Stihl Chainsaw With Easy Start

Starting a Stihl chainsaw is no longer a daunting task thanks to the Easy Start feature. To use this feature, all you need to do is pump the primer bulb twice to get fuel into the carburetor and press down on the decompression valve while pulling out on the starter cord at the same time. This will reduce compression in your engine and make it easier for you to start your chainsaw.

Once it starts, release both of these components and let your saw idle until it warms up before using it.

How to Start a Stihl Chainsaw Without Primer Bulb

Starting a Stihl chainsaw without a primer bulb is easy and straightforward. First, check to make sure that the engine has enough fuel in the tank and that all safety precautions are taken. Then, open the choke lever by pushing it away from you until it clicks into place.

If your saw has an on/off switch, turn it to “on”. Finally, pull out the starter rope several times with strong jerks until you hear the motor running. After this initial start-up procedure is complete, close off the choke lever and continue using your chainsaw as normal!

Stihl Easy Start Chainsaw Price

The Stihl Easy Start Chainsaw is an excellent choice for anyone needing a reliable chainsaw for small projects around the yard. Its price point varies depending on the model, but you can typically expect to pay anywhere from $150 – $400. The features included in each model vary too, so be sure to research which one best fits your needs before making a purchase.


Starting a Stihl chainsaw without flooding it can be tricky, but with the right maintenance and preparation steps, you can get your saw started quickly and safely. Always make sure you are using the correct fuel and oil mixture for your engine type, keep the air filter clean, use proper starting techniques – including keeping a firm grip on the saw at all times – and prime only when necessary. By following these guidelines for how to start a Stihl chainsaw without flooding it, you’ll have your saw running in no time.

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