1. Start by turning off the chainsaw. Place it so that you can access the chain and bar easily. 2. Use a tool to loosen and remove the tensioner screw which holds the chain around the bar of your chainsaw, this will release some tension in your chain allowing you to work freely on it.

3. Push down on both sides of each link with your fingers or a small flat head screwdriver until they come apart, then slowly pull them away from each other until they are completely separated, one end should be free of links while the other still has one attached. 4. If there is any difficulty removing links from a stubborn chain use an adjustable wrench or pliers to help take out those last few links as needed – make sure not to over tighten! 5 Once all of the necessary links have been removed, re-attach any remaining pieces together and reinstall onto your saw’s bar using new screws if required before tightening up again securely with a tool such as an adjustable wrench or pliers .

How to Take Link Out of Chainsaw Chain

Credit: www.lowes.com

What to Do With a Stretched Chainsaw Chain?

If you find yourself with a stretched chainsaw chain, don’t panic! The good news is that it’s not too difficult to fix. Before doing anything else, make sure the saw is turned off and unplugged.

To start, remove the chainsaw bar by loosening the retaining nut or screws at the base of the saw. You’ll want to use an appropriate wrench for this step so as not to strip any nuts or bolts in the process. Once you have removed the bar and chain from your saw, inspect them closely looking for signs of wear and damage such as bent teeth or cracks in either component.

If no major damage has occurred then all you will likely need to do is adjust your tensioner until it reaches its correct setting again – this can be done with a tensioning tool which should come with most makes/models of chainsaws; if yours didn’t come with one then these are available for purchase online or even at some hardware stores. Finally once everything looks in order reattach your bar and chain using whatever screws/nuts came off earlier (making sure they’re tightened securely). With that done all that remains is giving your newly adjusted chainsaw a test run – just remember safety first!

How Do You Remove Slack from a Chainsaw Chain?

Removing slack from a chainsaw chain is an important part of proper maintenance and can help to ensure that your saw runs smoothly. To do this, you’ll need to adjust the tensioner screw on the side of the saw. Start by turning off the engine and loosening the side plate screws so that you can access the tensioner screw.

Then, turn it clockwise until there’s no play in the chain when pulled back with your fingers. You may have to repeat this process several times before getting it just right – too much or too little tension can cause problems later down the line! Once you’re satisfied with how tight it is, be sure to tighten up all of those side plate screws again before using your chainsaw again.

With regular maintenance like this, you’ll be able to keep your chainsaw running safely for years to come!

Is There a Master Link on a Chainsaw?

Chainsaws are essential tools for many woodworking and landscaping tasks, but have you ever wondered if there is a master link on a chainsaw? The answer is yes! A master link is the central element of a chain that helps keep it connected and operating smoothly.

It’s usually located at the center of the chain near where it exits from the drive sprocket. The master link provides stability to ensure that all links in the chain move together properly during operation. On some chainsaws, this link may be removable with an Allen wrench or other tool, allowing users to replace worn out parts without having to completely remove and re-install the entire chain.

Additionally, some models allow users to adjust tension settings by sliding a small pin through one of several slots in either side of the master link. This allows for greater control over how tightly or loosely wound your saw’s chain should be while cutting different types of material – something that can make a huge difference when trying to achieve clean cuts in tough woods like oak or maple!

How Do You Take a Chain off a Chainsaw?

Taking off a chain from a chainsaw is not as difficult or intimidating as it may sound. The first step in removing the chain is to locate the release lever on your saw. This lever will be located near the sprocket and tensioning bolt of your chainsaw.

Once you’ve found it, press down firmly and hold it while you turn the tensioning bolt counterclockwise with an adjustable wrench until full slack has been created in the chain. Next, pull out the drive links that connect to the guide bar until they come loose from their slots; then remove them one by one from around beneath and above the bar’s grooves until all are removed. Finally, slide off any remaining parts of your old chain onto your work surface for disposal or safekeeping before installing a new one.

With just these few simple steps, you can easily take off a chain from a chainsaw—no need for extra tools or special skills!

Chainsaws & Tools : How to Shorten the Chain on a Chainsaw

How to Shorten Chainsaw Chain Without Tool

If you need to shorten a chainsaw chain but don’t have the right tools, there are still ways to do it without them. First, remove the bar and chain from the saw by loosening the bar nut with an adjustable wrench or screwdriver. Next, measure how much shorter you want your chain and mark this measurement on one of its links using a permanent marker.

Then use a pair of bolt cutters or metal snips to cut off any excess material between this marking and the rivet that is holding it in place. Finally, reattach your shortened chain to your saw following manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation.

How to Fix a Stretched Chainsaw Chain

If your chainsaw chain is stretched, you can easily fix it by adjusting the tension of the drive sprocket. To do this, first make sure the engine is off and unplugged from any power source. Then, locate the tension adjustment screw on the side of your chainsaw and turn it clockwise until there is enough resistance when pulling on the chain.

After that, check to make sure that all links move freely before you start using your saw again.

Chainsaw Link Tool

The Chainsaw Link Tool is a revolutionary device designed to quickly and safely replace chains on a gas-powered chainsaw. With its simple design, it makes replacing the chain quick and easy without requiring any extra tools or special skills. The tool fits almost all standard chainsaws, so you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues.

It also has an adjustable tensioning system that allows you to adjust the tightness of the chain for optimum cutting performance.

Chainsaw Chain Master Link

The chainsaw chain master link is an essential maintenance item for those who own and use a chainsaw. It is designed to be used as the connecting link between two pieces of the drive chain when assembling or replacing it on a saw. This allows the user to easily connect their chain without having to worry about complicated knots and links.

Additionally, this link ensures that your saw will run smoothly by preventing any slack in the chain due to incorrect assembly. To ensure optimal performance, it is important to check and replace your master link annually or whenever you have had extensive use of your saw.

How to Find the Master Link on a Chainsaw Chain

Finding the master link on a chainsaw chain can be daunting, but with some patience and knowledge it is possible. The first step is to identify the pitch of your chain, which can be done by measuring the distance between 3 consecutive rivets and dividing that number by 2. Once you have identified your pitch you will then need to locate the master link on the saw chain.

The master link usually appears as two outward facing semi-circular links connected by a small pin or clip. This pin or clip must be removed in order for you to separate the saw chain into individual sections for removal or replacement.

Chainsaw Link Removal Tool

A chainsaw link removal tool is an essential piece of safety equipment for anyone who uses a chainsaw. It makes it easy to remove the chain from the saw and prevents you from having to use other tools, such as pliers or vise grips, which can be dangerous. The link removal tool also helps ensure that the chain tension is correct when re-installing the chain onto your saw, making it safer to use.

How to Shorten a Chainsaw Chain

To shorten a chainsaw chain, you’ll need to remove the guide bar and master link from the saw. Once removed, make sure to count each of the drive links in your chain so that you know how many will be necessary for reassembly. Next, use a round file or depth gauge tool to determine which links are excessive and should be taken out.

Once determined, remove them carefully with pliers or cutting tools such as bolt cutters. Finally, reassemble the saw by putting back on the guide bar and securing it with a new master link.

Chainsaw Chain Joining Links

Chainsaw chain joining links are a critical component of any chainsaw. They provide the connection between the saw blade (or cutting bar) and the chainsaw drive sprocket, allowing for smooth operation of the saw. These links come in several different sizes and styles, so it is important to make sure you have the correct one for your specific model of chainsaw.

In addition to being strong enough to handle the rigors of sawing, they must also be properly lubricated and kept free from debris in order to ensure safety while using your chainsaw.


Overall, taking a link out of a chainsaw chain is a relatively simple process. To do this correctly, you need to make sure that the safety features on your saw are engaged and always wear protective clothing. After gathering the necessary tools and materials, use an appropriate punch or drift pin to drive out one side of the link, then remove it from the other side with pliers or by hand.

Finally, reassemble the links in order before putting them back on your chainsaw bar. With these steps completed successfully you can now enjoy safe and efficient cutting with your chainsaw chain!

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