Chainsaws are a common tool used for many different projects, both big and small. At some point, every chainsaw owner will need to know how to unravel a chainsaw chain. The process is actually quite simple, and only requires a few tools.

First, you’ll need to gather a few supplies: an adjustable wrench, a pair of pliers, and a hammer. You’ll also need something to catch the chain oil that will drip out as you work (a coffee can or similar container will work fine). Next, locate the two adjustment screws on the side of the chainsaw’s body – these are usually labeled “H” and “L”.

Using the wrench, loosen the screw labeled “H” until it is completely unscrewed. Now do the same with the “L” screw. With both screws loosened, you should be able to pull the bar away from the body of the saw.

Be careful not to lose any of the other small parts that may have come loose with it (such as washers or spacers). Once the bar is removed, carefully lay it down so that you can access the chain. Using your pliers, grab hold of one end of the chain and begin to slowly pull it off of the sprocket wheel.

As you do this, more and more ofthe chain will become unravelled. Eventually, you’ll be able to remove it completely fromthe saw. Inspect it for any damage or wear before reattaching it (or replacing it if necessary).

How to Unravel a Chainsaw Chain


How Do You Separate a Chainsaw Chain?

Assuming you need to replace the chain on your chainsaw, here are detailed instructions on how to do so: 1. Begin by loosening the bar clamp screws that hold the chainsaw bar in place. You may need a Phillips head screwdriver or Allen wrench to do this.

Be sure to loosen both screws evenly. 2. Next, pull the old chain off of the bar. You may need to use a pair of pliers to break the connection between the links if it is particularly tight.

3. Once the old chain is removed, clean any debris or buildup from the inside of the bar with a rag and some WD-40 or other lubricant. Inspect the bar for any damage and replace it if necessary. 4. Take your new chain and feed it around the bottom of the bar, making sure that the teeth are pointing inwards towards the engine block.

5 Connect one end of the chain to another using either a master link (if provided) or by joining two links together with pliers until they snap into place securely. 6 Finally, tighten down both bar clamp screws until they are snug but not overly tight – you don’t want to strip them! And that’s it – you’re ready to get back to work!

How Do You Loosen a Stihl Chain?

There are a few ways to loosen a Stihl chain, depending on what type of chain it is and how tight it is. If the chain is a standard chainsaw chain, you can use a pair of pliers or a wrench to loosen the nuts that hold the links together. If the chain is a quick-release chain, you can simply push on the release button to loosen it.

If the chain is very tight, you may need to use a hammer to tap on the release button or nut in order to get it loose.

Untangle Chainsaw Chain | Unknot | 'Easy Procedure'

Putting Chain on Chainsaw

If you’ve ever used a chainsaw, you know that one of the most important parts of the saw is the chain. The chain is what does all the work, so it’s important to keep it in good shape. That means putting a new chain on from time to time.

Putting a new chain on a chainsaw is actually not that difficult, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. First, you need to make sure that the bar and sprocket are clean and free of debris. If they’re not, the new chain won’t run properly.

Next, you need to select the right size chain for your saw. The size is usually stamped on the side of the bar. Once you have the right size, it’s time to put it on.

Start by threading the end of the chain through the bar and around the sprocket. Then, link each individual link together until the entire length of chain is connected. Make sure that all of the links are facing in the same direction – this will ensure that they work properly when cutting wood.

Finally, tighten up all ofthe nuts and bolts holding everything in place. Once everything is tight, give your new chain a test run by starting upthe saw and making a few cuts into some scrap wood. If everything looks and runs good, you’re ready to tackle those big projects!

How to Untangle a Chain Necklace

One of the most frustrating things about wearing a chain necklace is when it gets tangled. It can be difficult to untangle, and even more difficult to avoid getting it tangled in the first place. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Here are some tips on how to untangle a chain necklace, as well as how to avoid tangles in the future. If your necklace is already tangled, the first step is to find the end of the chain. This can be tricky, but once you find it, you can start gently pulling on it until the rest of the chain comes loose.

If you’re having trouble finding the end, try using a pair of needle-nose pliers or other small tool to help guide it out. Once you have the end of the chain, start slowly and carefully working through the tangle. Gently pull each loop of the tangle apart until you have straightened out the entire necklace.

Take your time with this – if you yank too hard, you could break your necklace. To avoid tangles in the future, try storing your necklaces in individual bags or cases. You can also use jewelry organizers with compartments for each piece – this will help keep them from getting tangled together.

And finally, be careful when putting on and taking off your necklaces – make sure they don’t get caught on anything else (like clothing) that could cause them to become twisted or knotted.

Chainsaw Chain Link Stuck

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know that one of the most frustrating things that can happen is when your chain gets stuck. And it usually happens at the worst possible time, like when you’re in the middle of a big project. There are a few different reasons why your chain might get stuck.

The most common reason is because the links are worn out and need to be replaced. Another possibility is that something has gotten jammed in between the links, causing them to bind up. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how to deal with a stuck chain so that you can get back to work as quickly as possible.

The first thing you need to do is identify where the problem is. If the links are simply worn out, then you’ll need to replace them. But if there’s something jammed in between the links, you’ll need to remove it before proceeding.

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to take action. If your chain is simply worn out, then replacing the links is relatively easy. You can buy replacement chains at most hardware stores or online retailers.

Just make sure that you get one that’s compatible with your saw model. If there’s something jamming your chain, then removing it can be a bit more tricky. Start by disconnecting your saw from its power source and making sure that it’s not going to start up on its own while you’re working on it.

Then, use a pair of needle-nose pliers or another similar tool to gently pry whatever is causing the problem out from between the links.

How Tight Should a Chainsaw Chain Be

If you’ve ever wondered how tight a chainsaw chain should be, you’re not alone. It’s a common question, and one that has a bit of a complicated answer. Here’s what you need to know about chainsaw chain tension.

The first thing to understand is that there is no single answer to the question of how tight a chainsaw chain should be. The correct tension for your saw will depend on the make and model of your saw, as well as the type of chain you’re using. Generally speaking, however, you’ll want to keep your chainsaw chain fairly loose.

If it’s too tight, it can cause problems with the saw’s cutting performance and increase wear on the parts. If it’s too loose, though, the chain can come off entirely – which obviously isn’t ideal! So how do you know if your chainsaw chain is at the right tension?

Start by consulting your saw’s manual – it should have specific instructions on how to adjust the tension. If you don’t have access to the manual, or if you’re still unsure, take your saw to a qualified technician for help.

How to Tighten a Chainsaw Chain

It is important to keep your chainsaw chain in good condition and properly tensioned. A well-tensioned chainsaw chain will make your saw easier to use and will help prolong the life of the chain. This guide will show you how to properly tighten a chainsaw chain.

First, make sure that the chainsaw is turned off and unplugged. Next, find the adjusting screws on the side of the chainsaw body. These screws are used to tension the chain.

To loosen the chain, turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise. To tighten the chain, turn the adjusting screw clockwise. Once you have adjusted the tension of the chain, start up the chainsaw and test it out.

The chain should not be too loose or too tight. If it is too loose, it can come off of the saw while you are using it which can be dangerous. If it is too tight, it can cause premature wear on both the chain and sprocket teeth.

How to Fix Kinked Chainsaw Chain

If you’re a chainsaw user, at some point you will probably end up with a kinked chain. It’s inevitable. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world and there are ways to fix it.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to fix a kinked chainsaw chain in just a few easy steps. First, let’s take a look at what causes chains to kink in the first place. Typically, it’s from over-tightening the chain or from hitting something hard while cutting.

Whatever the cause, once you have a kink in your chain, it needs to be fixed before you can continue using your saw. Here’s how to do it: 1. First, make sure that your saw is turned off and that the chain is not moving.

If it is, stop immediately and unplug the saw before proceeding. 2. Next, use a pair of pliers to straighten out any big bends or kinks in the chain. You may need to do this several times before the chain is completely straight again.

3. Once the major bends are gone, use a file or sharpening stone to smooth out any rough spots on the teeth of the chain. Be careful not to overdo it – you don’t want to make the teeth too sharp or they could damage your saw blade (or worse). Just give them a light touch-up until they’re nice and smooth again.

And that’s it!


If your chainsaw’s chain is tangled, don’t despair! With a little patience and the right tools, you can get it back in working order. First, remove the bar and chain from the saw.

Next, use a pair of needle-nose pliers to untangle any knots. If the links are kinked or bent, use a hammer to straighten them out. Finally, reassemble the bar and chain and test it out on some wood.

With a little care and maintenance, your chainsaw will be cutting like new in no time!

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