In Arizona, it is legal to openly carry a knife with a blade of any length. It is also legal to concealed carry a knife with a blade less than four inches in length. There are no laws restricting the carrying of knives on school grounds or in government buildings.

If you’re carrying a knife in Arizona, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. If you’re caught carrying a hidden knife, you could be charged with a misdemeanor.

However, open carry of knives is perfectly legal in the state of Arizona. So if you’re not trying to hide your weapon, you shouldn’t have any problems. Just make sure that your knife is visible and easily accessible so that it doesn’t look like you’re trying to conceal it.

There are also some restrictions on what types of knives you can carry.switchblades and spring-loaded knives are completely banned in Arizona. And while folding knives with blades longer than four inches are legal, they must be carried openly and not concealed in any way. So if you’re planning on carrying a knife in Arizona, just make sure that you know the laws and regulations before doing so.

Knife Laws in Arizona


What Size Knife is Legal in Arizona?

As of July 1st, 2018, it is now legal to carry a knife with a blade longer than 6 inches in the state of Arizona. This change in knife laws was brought about by Senate Bill 1487 which was sponsored by Senator David Livingston and signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey. The new law makes it so that any person over the age of 18 can openly carry a knife with a blade that is longer than 6 inches.

There are some restrictions on where you can carry your knife though. You are not allowed to bring your knife into any public building or school unless you have explicit permission from someone in charge. Additionally, you are not allowed to use your knife in a threatening or violent manner towards another person.

If you violate either of these restrictions, you could be charged with a misdemeanor offense. Overall, the new law has been widely praised by gun rights advocates and Knife Rights Inc., who lobbied for the bill’s passage. They argue that this will help people better defend themselves and their property if they need to.

Time will tell how effective the new law actually is but for now, Arizonans can rest assured knowing that they can legally carry knives with blades longer than 6 inches without having to worry about getting in trouble with the law.

Is It Legal to Open Carry a Knife in Arizona?

Yes, it is legal to open carry a knife in Arizona. There are no state laws prohibiting the open carrying of knives, and Arizona is generally a very permissive state when it comes to firearms and other weapons. However, there are some caveats to keep in mind.

First, while there is no law against open carrying a knife, that doesn’t mean that all places will allow it. Private businesses have the right to ban weapons on their premises, so be sure to check before bringing a knife into any commercial establishment. Secondly, even though open carry is legal, concealed carry of knives is not.

So if you’re planning on carrying your knife around with you everywhere you go, make sure it’s visible and not hidden away in your pocket or bag. Finally, keep in mind that certain types of knives (such as switchblades) may be illegal to possess regardless of whether they’re carried openly or concealed. If you’re unsure about whether your particular knife is legal in Arizona, err on the side of caution and leave it at home.

What Size Pocket Knife is Legal in Arizona?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it varies from state to state. In Arizona, the legal size for a pocket knife is generally considered to be 3 inches or less. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, so it is always best to check with your local law enforcement agency before carrying any type of blade in public.

Can You Defend Yourself With a Knife in Arizona?

Yes, you can defend yourself with a knife in Arizona. The state has a “stand your ground” law that allows people to use deadly force if they reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury. This law applies whether you are inside or outside your home.

Knife Law: Arizona | KnifeHog


In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the knife laws in your state. In Arizona, it is legal to carry a knife with a blade less than four inches long. It is also legal to open carry a knife.

However, there are some restrictions on where you can carry your knife. Be sure to research the laws in your area before carrying a knife.

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