To use a Timberline chainsaw sharpener, you need to first secure the chainsaw by clamping the chainsaw bar in a vise or securing it to a workbench. This is important to prevent the chainsaw from moving during sharpening.

Next, you need to adjust the depth gauge on each cutter to the correct height using a depth gauge tool. Then, set the angle of the file guide to match the angle of the cutter on the chainsaw chain.

Using a round file, sharpen each cutter following the angle set by the file guide. After sharpening the cutters, use a flat file to file down the depth gauges to the correct height.

Finally, check the tension of the chainsaw chain and adjust it if necessary. It is important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection when sharpening a chainsaw chain.

How to Use a Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener

What Angle Do I Set My Chainsaw Sharpener?

There are a few things to consider when setting the angle of your chainsaw sharpener. The first is the type of chain you’re using. If you’re using a standard chain, you’ll want to set the angle at 30 degrees.

If you’re using a chisel chain, you’ll want to set the angle at 35 degrees. The second thing to consider is the condition of your chain. If your chain is dull, you’ll want to set the angle higher, around 40 degrees.

If your chain is damaged, you’ll want to set the angle lower, around 25 degrees. Finally, consider how often you sharpen your chain. If you sharpen it frequently, you can keep the angle closer to 30 degrees.

However, if you don’t sharpen it as often, you’ll want to set the angle closer to 35 degrees.

How Do You Use a Depth Gauge on a Chainsaw Sharpener?

How Do You Use a Depth Gauge on a Chainsaw Sharpener

If you’re looking to sharpen your chainsaw, you’ll need to use a depth gauge. This guide will show you how to properly use a depth gauge on a chainsaw sharpener. First, you’ll need to identify the correct size of the depth gauge for your particular chainsaw.

You can find this information in your chainsaw’s manual or by measuring the thickness of your saw’s cutters. Once you have the right size, simply insert the depth gauge into the sharpener and tighten it down.

Next, adjust the position of the depth gauge so that its cutting edge is lined up with the grinding wheel.

You want to be sure that the cutting edge is level with the wheel; if it’s too high or low, it won’t sharpen your chain correctly. Finally, start the sharpener and run your chain through it according to its manufacturer’s instructions.

With these simple steps, you’ll be able to keep your chainsaw in top condition and make sure it cuts like new every time you use it!

How Many Times Can a Chainsaw Chain Be Sharpened?

A chainsaw chain can be sharpened multiple times before it needs to be replaced. The number of sharpening will depend on the type of wood you’re cutting, the size of the chain, and how often you use the saw.

Generally, a chainsaw chain can be sharpened between 20 and 30 times before needing to be replaced.

How Do You Use a 12 Volt Chainsaw Sharpener?

How Do You Use a 12 Volt Chainsaw Sharpener

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know how important it is to keep your chain sharp. A dull chain not only makes your saw work harder, but it can also be dangerous. That’s why having a good quality chainsaw sharpener is so important.

There are many types and brands of chainsaw sharpeners on the market, but they all essentially work in the same way. Most sharpeners use a rotating abrasive wheel to grind away at the metal of your chain teeth, quickly restoring them to their original sharpness.

Some models are designed for use with electric drills, while others can be used by hand.

There are even some battery-powered sharpeners that can be used in the field. No matter what type of sharpener you choose, using it is relatively straightforward.

First, make sure that your saw’s bar and chain are clean and free of any debris or buildup.

Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up the sharpener and attaching it to your saw.

Once the sharpener is in place, start the drill (or begin cranking if using a manual model) and slowly guide each tooth through the abrasive wheel several times. Be careful not to overdo it – you don’t want to remove too much metal from each tooth or make them too pointy.

After a few passes through the sharpener, check your chain for sharpness by running it across a piece of wood – if it cuts cleanly without binding or catching, then you’re good to go!

Instruction- Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener

Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener Problems

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know how important it is to keep your saw sharp. A dull saw can not only be dangerous, but it can also make your work a lot harder. That’s why having a good chainsaw sharpener is so important.

Sadly, Timberline chainsaw sharpeners have been known to have some problems. Some users have reported that the sharpener does not work well on all types of chain, while others have said that the sharpener is difficult to use and adjust. If you’re having trouble with your Timberline chainsaw sharpener, then there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure that you’re using the right type of chain for your saw. If the problem persists, then you may need to take your saw to a professional for servicing.

Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener Problems

How to Use Chainsaw Sharpener?

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you don’t give much thought to your chainsaw – that is until it stops working properly. Then, it’s all you can think about! One of the most important maintenance tasks you can perform on your chainsaw is keeping the chain sharp.

A dull chain not only makes sawing more difficult, but it can also be dangerous. There are two main types of chainsaw sharpeners: manual and electric. Manual sharpeners are less expensive and require less setup, but they can be more time-consuming to use.

Electric sharpeners are pricier but they save you time and effort in the long run. Whichever type of sharpener you choose, make sure to read the instructions carefully before getting started. To sharpen your chainsaw manually, start by securing the saw in a vise or clamp so it doesn’t move around while you’re working on it.

Next, use a file guide to ensure that you’re filing at the correct angle – usually between 20 and 30 degrees. Finally, begin filing away at each tooth on the chain using a round file until they’re all sharpened evenly. Sharpening with an electric sharpener is similar to manual sharpening except that you don’t need to worry about maintaining the correct angle – the machine does it for you.

Simply feed each tooth of the chain through the device and let the blades do their work! No matter which method you choose, regular sharpening will prolong the life of your chain saw and make cutting through wood a breeze – not to mention safer!

Where to Buy Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener?

If you’re looking for a Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener, your best bet is to head to your local hardware store. Most big box stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s and Walmart will carry Timberline products. You can also find them online at or other retail websites.

The Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener is a great tool for keeping your chainsaw sharp and ready to use. It’s easy to use and relatively inexpensive, so it’s a good investment for any homeowner with a chainsaw.

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325 Pitch If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know how important it is to keep your saw’s chain sharp. A dull chain can make your saw less efficient and more difficult to use.

That’s why having a good chainsaw sharpener is essential. The Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener is a great option for those who want an easy-to-use, reliable sharpener. This sharpener can be used on all types of chainsaws, and it’s easy to operate.

Simply clamp the sharpener onto the end of your saw’s bar, and then run the chain through the sharpener’s wheels. The Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener will quickly and easily sharpen your chain in just minutes. The Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener is also very affordable, making it a great option for budget-minded users.

So if you’re looking for an easy-to-use, reliable, and affordable chainsaw sharpener, then the Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener is a great option for you!


If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know how important it is to keep your saw sharp. A dull saw can not only be dangerous, but it can also make your job harder. That’s why it’s important to use a Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener.

This guide will show you how to use this sharpener so that your chainsaw stays in top condition. First, you’ll need to gather the following materials: a workbench, vise, file guide, depth gauge tool, round file, and flat file. You’ll also need a power drill and some sandpaper.

Once you have everything gathered, follow these steps:

1) Clamp the saw onto the workbench with the vise. Make sure that the blade is facing up so that you can easily access it.

2) Use the depth gauge tool to find out how deep you need to set the file guide. The general rule is 1/8″ for every 1″ of chain saw blade length. So if your blade is 12″ long, then you would set the guide at 1-1/2″.

3) Next, take your round file and insert it into the guide until it stops. Be sure to angle the file so that it contacts the side of the cutter nearest the bar first.

4) File each cutter by moving the file from front to back while applying gentle pressure evenly across its surface area.

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